Toowoomba WHS Workshop


LGMS attended the Combined Group of Darling Downs and Wide Bay Burnett Local Government Safety Officer Group hosted by Toowoomba Regional Council in early December 2020.

The Regional WHS Forums are welcomed by LGW scheme members who are keen for additional training opportunities and to share their learnings on issues affecting Local Government. LGW scheme members are also offered a subsidy to host and facilitate these Regional WHS forums.

The event ran over two days and included a tour of the recently opened Principal Depot in Charlton. The facility includes a central operations building, three workshops, a central store, a nursery and the Toowoomba Group SES Headquarters. The entire building is run on solar power and includes a 750 K Litre water tank which allows the capture of run off from building rooftops to operate the amenities and provide irrigation for the site.

It was an opportunity to learn, share and network with presentations from LGMS, Electrical Safety Office, Energy Queensland and Department of Transport and Main Roads.

warehouse tour