LGW Workcare


In May 1998, the LGAQ established LGW. Prior to the establishment of LGW, all Councils in Queensland were required to obtain workers compensation cover through the State WorkCover scheme. Following a legislative amendment allowing self-insurance, the LGAQ and member councils agreed to apply for a group workers compensation self-insurance licence under the Queensland Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act. Each LGW member is considered to be a joint holder of the self-insurance licence. The LGAQ acts as the agent of the licence holders.

As a licensed self-insurer LGW is required to comply with a range of legislative and licensing conditions. Compliance is overseen by the Workers’ Compensation Regulator. The LGAQ is considered by the Regulator to be the licence manager and as such is ultimately responsible for ensuring compliance with licence conditions.

LGW Workcare provides unrivalled workers’ compensation services to Queensland Councils.

The cover provided pursuant to membership of LGW Workcare meets members’ statutory obligations in respect of Workers Compensation requirements.

Unlike the statutory provider, LGW does not charge a deductible and Stamp Duty is not payable.

LGW receives a return to work rate of 97% with majority of injured workers returning to their pre-injury role at Council.

WHS Team to help Councils to improve safety systems and reduce injuries and accidents.

Improve Senior Management oversight required to review and monitor KPIs and emerging risks.

Claims management service by specialist health professionals and claims consultants working with Councils to achieve the best outcomes for the injured worker.

WHS Forums held regularly supplying shared learnings

No claims excess paid 

No stamp duty paid

Visit the Member Centre for specific claim forms.

LGMS Member Centre

Our members

Use the legend to choose a scheme and see who are our members.