LGM Assets


In July 2015, a separate fund was established under the LGM Trust Deed to provide coverage for council assets. The LGM Assets fund remains financially separate to the original liability fund. Councils are able to participate in either the liability fund, the asset fund, or both. 

LGM Assets provides protection for members’ asset based insurable risks.  Covers available as part of LGM Assets membership include (but are not limited to):

  • Property Protection (Industrial Special Risks)
  • Motor Vehicle
  • Machinery Breakdown
  • Marine Hull
  • Personal Accident (Group and Voluntary Workers)
  • Business Travel

LGM Assets are happy to provide cover for any type of asset.

Account Managers work to ensure accurate insurable asset schedules to enable cover/cost.

Innovation through comprehensive catastrophe modelling using geocoded location data, provides state and industry wide understanding of risk.

Consolidated negotiating position and buying power.

Our members

Use the legend to choose a scheme and see who are our members.