LGAQ has a robust governance framework which ensures it operates effectively, remains accountable and is able to achieve its objectives.
LGM Board of Management
LGM is managed by a Board of Management. The Trust Deed specifies who is eligible for appointment as a member of the Board.
The Board’s role is to:
- achieve and implement the objects and purpose of the Pool
- ensure, from a financial perspective, that the Fund is viable
- prepare the rules of the Pool and other documents governing the entitlements and obligations of members,
which includes:
- soliciting and encouraging local governments to become and remain members of the Pool
- considering claims made against the Fund and determining whether to grant indemnity from the pooled cover and issuing instructions to the Pool Manager
- claims prevention activities such as giving directions to members about procedures they can adopt to prevent asset loss or minimise civil liability
- engaging a manager of the Pool
- determining the contributions payable by the members.
LGW Management Committee
LGW is managed by a Management Committee and consists of persons appointed by LGAQ, including at least one senior executive of LGAQ.
The Management Committee supervises and manages the day-to-day business of the Scheme.
Generally, the Management Committee is responsible for:
- achieving and implementing the objects and purposes of the Scheme
- ensuring, from a financial perspective, that the Scheme is viable
- considering and proposing amendments to the Scheme Rules as may be required from time to time
- preparing other documents governing the entitlements and the obligations of members,
which includes:
- ensuring claims against members are managed in compliance with the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 and the conditions of the member’s self-insurance licence
- issuing instructions to the Scheme Manager to permit it to process claims
- responsibility for the financial management of the Scheme.
Trustee – Local Government Association of Queensland
LGAQ is Trustee on behalf of members
- Appoints Board and Committees
- Appoints Scheme Manager
- Management oversight of Schemes
- Facilitates QAO audits, member engagement and license renewal process
The Trustee of the LGM Pool and Fund, and is broadly responsible for:
- carrying into effect the objects and purpose of the Trust Deed
- carrying out the duties of the trustee specified in the Trust Deed
- holding the Fund on the trusts set out in the Trust Deed.
The Trust Deed provides for some functions to be carried out by the LGM Board of Management and the Scheme Manager.
The Trustee and Licence Holder of the LGW Trust Fund, and is broadly responsible for:
- holding the Trust Fund on the trusts set out in the Trust Deed
- carrying out the duties of the trustee specified in the Trust Deed
- carrying into effect the objects and purposes of the Trust Deed
- acting as the members’ agent in relation to the management of their self-insurance obligations under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003
Some of LGAQ’s responsibilities are carried out by the LGW Management Committee, appointed under the Scheme Rules and the Scheme Manager.
Scheme Manager – JLT Public Sector
JLT Public Sector is a division of JLT Risk Solutions Pty Ltd, (ABN 69 009 098 864 AFS Licence No: 226827) a business of Marsh and McLennan Companies (MMC).
A licensed insurance broker and manager, JLT Public Sector has been appointed to manage the mutual schemes and their role includes:
- making recommendations to the Board in relation to the annual operating budget, the calculation of contributions, the level of pooled cover to be provided each year and the level of indemnity cover to be provided each year
- negotiating indemnity cover
- managing all claims against members for which indemnity has been granted
- providing loss prevention and risk minimisation guidelines
- keeping the accounts of the Fund
- reporting to the Board.
LGMS Code of Practice
This document(PDF, 1MB) provides members with a range of information about LGMS including services and support provided as part of Council 's membership.
Queensland Local Government Mutual - Trust Deed and Scheme Rules
LGM pooled funds and scheme manage liability and professional indemnity risks of LGAQ members. Members are bound by the Trust Deed and Scheme Rules(PDF, 641KB).
Queensland Local Government Workers Compensation Self-insurance Scheme - Trust Deed and Scheme Rules
LGW is a mutual scheme(PDF, 622KB) with LGAQ acting as the members’ agent to manage the members’ self-insurance liabilities of workers compensation. The scheme aims to reduce the cost of claims arising out of work-related accidents.
The accounts of the Scheme are audited annually by the Queensland Auditor General.
The auditor prepares a report stating whether, in the auditor’s opinion, the accounting records have been kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. If the auditor is not satisfied with the accounting records, the report must state the auditor’s reasons for not being satisfied with them.
This report is included in the LGM/ LGW Report to Members annually and is sent to Members.